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The municipality of Valverde del Camino is located in the center of the province of Huelva. The origin of its settlement dates from 1262, being called Facanías in reference to a past linked to the Kingdom of Taifa de Niebla. Between 1481 and 1492 it was renamed Valverde del Camino, a toponym based on the morphology of the place (Valley) and its vegetation (Green), while its preposition would indicate its condition as a place of passage for walkers, muleteers given the presence of the road Roman that united Onuba with Urium, of which vestiges remain.
The population dedicated to typical tasks of the modern age (millers, farmers, cowboys) underwent a radical change with the arrival of the English mining companies that, in the second half of the 19th century, exploited the subsoil and built the first mining railway in Andalusia.
The handicrafts linked to the locality were developing and advancing shaping the current business fabric dedicated mostly to the tertiary sector. There are many services offered by the town (Music Conservatory, supermarkets, language schools, a wide range of sports spaces, cultural activities), which makes it ideal for the installation of citizens of other towns and nationalities that establish in Valverde del Camino your place of residence.
Los Gabrieles Dolmen Complex
The places near the current population bear witness to the importance of this area in the Bronze Age. The sedentary life of the Neolithic man, conditioned by the practice of agricultural and livestock activities, exerted a considerable influence on his spiritual life and on his funeral customs. The dolmens have the proper functionality of collective burials. Of the megalithic monuments that exist in the area, three stands out: Los Gabrieles (6 monuments), El Pozuelo (13 groups) and Cabezo de la Hueca (2 monuments) between the forest towns of Manzanito and Guijo.
Mediterranean Civilizations
The peoples of the eastern Mediterranean settled in these lands undoubtedly attracted by the fertility of the soil and above all by the wealth of its nearby mines. Around 200 BC, the Romans arrived in this area, leaving numerous traces of their presence. The Roman road was used to transport minerals from the mines to the sea. It crosses the municipality of Valverde from north to south and is still visible in some sections. Until the 19th century it served as a penetration route towards the Sierra de Huelva.
Religious heritage
Parish Church of Our Lady of the Rest
It dates back to the first third of the 16th century. Its Latin cross plan consisted of a single nave with two sections with hollowed and hemispherical vaults. After the Lisbon earthquake (1755) a section was lengthened towards the feet, adding two side aisles, two collateral chapels and other dependencies. Executed in baroque language, it maintains the classist tone of the Renaissance building. It houses important carvings of Huelva imagery and its patronage is dedicated to the Virgen del Reposo, who presides over the main altar. The three façades conserve the Sevillian pictorial tile altarpieces from the 17th century.
Hermitage of Santa Ana
Located to the east, its construction dates from the 16th century, and is located in the first population center located around "The four houses" and the Parish Church. His devotion has been related to Doña Ana, wife of Don Alfonso de Guzmán, VII Duke of Medina Sidonia, apparently very devoted to the saint of her name. This ancient temple became part of the current Convent of the Sisters of the Cross at the beginning of the 20th century. During the “Vela” in July, the image is processed on the Sunday closest to its festival.
Ermita de la Trinidad
The construction of this hermitage, located to the west of the town, dates back to the first third of the 18th century, when in 1718 a charity bullfighting festival was held to pay for this chapel, and to place in it the altar-painting and altarpiece of the mystery of the Holy Trinity. It has a rectangular vaulted nave, which ends at the altar and is crowned by a dome. Its construction was carried out on an old lazaretto where the patients of the cholera epidemics that hit Andalusia at the beginning of that century were isolated. It maintains its original structure integrates.
Hermitage of the Saint
Former hermitage dedicated to San Sebastián (early 18th century), this Baroque style temple (1952-1960) is inspired by the 18th century Baroque architecture of Seville, being consecrated on March 12, 1961. Located to the south, it has a ground floor rectangular Latin cross and transept covered with a half orange cupola and side chapels that support tribunes. Behind the main altar is the image of Our Father Jesus of the Three Falls, known as “The Lord of the Saint”. The other two devotional images, María Santísima de la Soledad and JHS del Santo Entierro complement this sculptural ensemble of great devotion.
The first bullfighting data dates back to 1642, but it was not until 1717 that bullfighting celebrations were held in the public square called del Coso. The square was built in 1828 with lime, edge and brick at the ends. It is circular, with a ring 35 meters in diameter and 7.5 meters perimeter with a box. Almost all the main figures of bullfighting have performed, being closely linked to the Litri dynasty. The last modification that the square suffered was in 2011 when it was equipped with an alley.
British heritage
Since the mid-19th century, various companies with British capital had their headquarters in Valverde del Camino. From the year 1876 the only existing Victorian house in Spain is preserved. In 1912, The United Alkali company built the Directorate House which houses the museum of the same name. The town has preserved other buildings of railway origin such as the station, offices, workshops and houses of the British staff that today have different uses.
Crafts and Industry
The artisan tradition of Valverde del Camino began to take hold in the eighteenth century and is linked to the main sources of wealth in the place: herding, agriculture and livestock. In the mid-nineteenth century the number of artisans increased considerably to the detriment of farmers who worked in arid and unproductive lands. With the beginning of the 20th century, the industry was displacing the artisan activities so deeply rooted in previous centuries. But there are still very important artisanal strongholds such as bell workers, saddlers, shoemakers and carvers.
Natural landscapes
Located in the Andévalo Oriental, its municipal term is defined by the Odiel and Tinto rivers. We have different banks well known for the abundance of plant and wildlife species, with an endemism of the area such as Erika Andevalensis. To appreciate the value of the natural landscape of this town, several routes have been marked to publicize the environmental, mining and historical heritage. To the south stands out an area of centenary conifers that constitute the large residential area of Los Pinos, one of the green lungs of our environment.